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The FIAE Professional Development Fund is a grant/scholarship program created to assist in and encourage the professional development of association executives.  It's designed to encourage and stimulate creative thought and knowledge about association management in order for all members of FIAE to become “the best they can be.”



FIAE has established a special Professional Development Fund, funded in large part from the Silent Auction held during the Annual Convention.    Each year the “Fund” and the program are evaluated by the Board of Directors to measure its success and the need to allocate additional funds.   The fund account should not fall below a minimum of $10,000.


Eligibility and Program Guidelines

Any association executive that works for an active member of FIAE is eligible to apply for the funds.  Active members must be current in their dues for the calendar year in which request was made.     Applications can be found on the FIAE website.  


Application can be made for financial assistance, not to exceed $500/calendar year, for the following activities:


  • Pursuing the “Certified Association Executives” (CAE) certification, or participation in the Institute for Organization Management (IOM), for up to three years (total $1,500).   Application must be made annually for additional grant monies.

  • Speakers, workshops, or educational courses that are innovative and would bring knowledge and information back to all association executives for improving the way they manage their association.   Recipients will be required, within six months of the event funded, to provide information back to the membership in the form of newsletter submission, presentation at the annual meeting or webinar.  

  • Assistance in helping an association executive attend the FIAE annual convention.   Application for convention assistance can be made two out of five consecutive years.   Receipts for travel expenses will be requested, and funds can only be used to offset the attendance of the FIAE member (i.e., no spouse).  


Application Process and Requirements

Applicants should complete and submit the attached application to the President. The President of FIAE, together with the current Executive Committee will screen requests and grant approval. An annual report is provided to the FIAE Board of Directors.


Once the grant is approved, and member advised, a check will be sent to the recipient, with a request to provide receipts following the event/meeting.   Additionally, if the grant was for educational purposes, a timeline will be established for submission of an article or presentation.  


Any additional reimbursement or exceptions to this policy may be determined by the FIAE Executive Committee.



Approved:  FIAE Board of Directors, November 12, 2015

Beverly J. Lynch, Executive Director, FIAE


Food Industry Association Executives

Bev Lynch, President
664 Sandpiper Bay Dr, SW
Sunset Beach, NC 28468

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